Family law in Turkey is governed by the Turkish Civil Code and various other laws and regulations. 


In Turkey, marriage is a civil contract that requires the presence of two witnesses and an authorized official. The legal age for marriage is 18 years old for both men and women, but individuals who are 17 years old may be able to get married with parental consent.


Divorce is legal in Turkey and can be initiated by either party. In some cases, both parties may need to agree to the divorce, while in other cases, a court may grant a divorce even if one party objects. Turkey has both fault-based and no-fault divorce grounds, including adultery, cruelty, and irreconcilable differences.

Child Custody

When parents divorce or separate, the custody of the child is determined by the court. The court will consider the best interests of the child, including the child’s physical, emotional, and educational needs. In general, both parents are expected to contribute to the child’s upbringing, and the parent who does not have physical custody may still have visitation rights.

Child Support

In Turkey, both parents have an obligation to financially support their children until they reach the age of 18. Child support payments are determined based on the financial situation of the parents and the needs of the child.


Turkish law provides for compulsory inheritance shares, which means that certain family members are entitled to a minimum share of an individual’s estate upon their death. The exact rules for inheritance depend on various factors, including the number of heirs, their relationship to the deceased, and the size of the estate.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a crime in Turkey, and victims can obtain protection orders from the court. Turkey has also established specialized courts to handle domestic violence cases, and there are support services available for victims.

Overall, family law in Turkey is intended to protect the rights of individuals and promote the best interests of children in family disputes.